The newspaper CincoDías, from ElPais, published a few months ago an article about the integration of our product in a project in collaboration with Telefónica, for a prestigious multinational manufacturer of medical devices such as Boston Scientific.

The project, as such, consists of developing a remote control system for electrophysiology equipment in the recently created Remote Support Center (RhythmCare), located in Madrid, which will provide assistance to hospitals in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

In all this project, Telefónica will provide the communication with its 5G networks and TedCas will provide the hardware and software to remotely communicate and control elements of the operating room. Joining both parts, we will give Boston Scientific technicians, the possibility to communicate with the room and help surgeons to control the equipment remotely, saving many trips.

All this translates into important economic savings, without leaving aside the great contribution to the environment, which is more and more necessary.

You can see more details of our product or go directly to the download of the dossier.